With our Standard Exam Prep Bundle, you’ll have comprehensive CIA study materials available in multiple formats including textbooks and eBooks and detailed questions and flashcards – with multiple learning tool add-ons available including our Live Virtual Classroom and Tutorial Videos, featuring our internationally acclaimed CIA experts.

Features That Help You Excel

After decades of helping aspiring professionals prepare for the CIA Exam, we’ve built features that will help keep you focused on your success – and passing the CIA Exam!

Standard Feature
Continuous Support

Expert Support

Our dedicated expert instructors are here to help you succeed. While we’re available to answer any questions you have while studying for the CIA exam, we can also provide guidance with the exam registration process.

Standard Feature
Access Duration

Access Duration

We give you plenty of time to study for and pass the CIA exam! You’ll have our suite of services and prep materials for a full 18 months.

Standard Feature
Adaptive Technology

Study Anywhere

We’ve built an intuitive platform that adapts to most devices and is designed to help you study and practice whenever and wherever you want to.

Live Virtual Class

Live Virtual Classroom Available Add-On

Our live online course puts you in a virtual classroom with our internationally acclaimed instructors who are Certified Internal Auditors and experts in their field. Join a real classroom environment from any smart device, with integrated lecture reminders on your personal calendar. And not to worry if you miss a class – you can view the material you’ve missed on video at your convenience!

Comprehensive & Efficient
                            Textbook and eBook

Comprehensive Textbook & eBook

Our textbooks and eBooks are built to be aligned with the IIA’s CIA exam outline and are segmented into manageable study sessions. You’ll have all of the information you need to pass the CIA exam.

Tutorial Videos

Video Lectures Available Add-On

Watch lecture videos featuring our expert instructors for quick and comprehensive lessons covering all exam topics.

Question Bank

All Inclusive Question Bank

Create your own customized study sessions with more than 3,500 questions that cover all topics.Our Question Bank is accessible from any device, so you can quiz yourself at home, at the office, or on the go!


Virtual Flashcards

Review CIA Exam topics on our Flashcards – specifically designed for handheld devices, like smartphones.They’re perfect for studying while on work breaks and on the commute to and from work.

Customer Appreciation

Read about what some of our customers think about their PRC experience!

Switch to PRC for only $100

Want to experience the advantage of studying for the CIA exam with PRC? You can switch to PRC and gain access to reliable, flexible, and educational exam prep material for only $100.