CIA 2025 MATERIALS ARE HERE! 20% OFF + FREE UPGRADE! Offer ends Feb 21, 2025 – Don’t miss out! Get the 2025 Materials Now! Get 2017 & Upgrade for FREE!

Pass or Money Back Guarantee

Our CIA exam premium package offers a pass guarantee, or money back. This guarantee comes with specific restrictions, to ensure that you have reached your full potential. If you’re interested in this guarantee, we encourage you to buy our premium package!

To obtain this guarantee, you must:

  1. Attend 80% of all videos for all three parts of the CIA exams.
  2. Complete all questions and continue to solve until scoring more than 95% for all three parts.
  3. Score more than 90% on the Mock Exam quiz, which includes random questions from homework sessions.
  4. Write the exam within 4 weeks of the mock exam.
  5. Provide evidence of failing within 4 weeks of your results.

If you are able to provide proof for these, PRC is happy to complete our guarantee and provide you with your refund.

For more information on our pass or money back guarantee, please contact us today. We will be happy to explain in further detail.